

​With the efforts of many, the old English classroom was demolished and a Media Center and a new English classroom was built. The Media Center and new English classroom was only the start.  Unity also added 50 new lockers in the secondary facility, 6 lunch tables, 70 new student desk and air-conditioned secondary classrooms.

The Foundation was established in order to promote individual and community stewardship, to recognize both long term and short term needs and goals at Unity Christian School, and to provide for the independent and secure administering of these funds and properties.  Funds for the Foundation are generally received from memorials, bequests and estates.

The Foundation has helped in minor capital improvements to Unity facilities such as: new glass outer doors ar the elementary, refurbishing of the high school music room, new floor tile at both the elementary and secondary facility, and the purchase of a used bus to help transport students from area communities.

The Foundation is managed by a board that meets quarterly and reports to the Unity Christian School board.

H.E.A.R.T. Program

H.E.A.R.T. is Unity’s revenue generating program. There are 3 areas in which to raise much needed funds. We call these areas our “Pillars of Revenue” The 3 Pillars are as follows:

  • Unity Auction which takes place in March (the community is invited to bid on wonderful items in a silent and live Auction)
  • Bargain Bonanza is Unity’s resale shop (sells gently used and new items)
  • Boosters for our Athletes (Unity athletes do not pay to play)

Each Unity family works 77.5 hours per H.E.A.R.T.  year in the above areas. Each family works two 7 hour Saturday shifts at Bargain Bonanza but choose where they work their remaining 63.5 hours. Unity’s H.E.A.R.T. year starts July 1st and ends June 30th of the following year. Not only do the Unity families raise needed funds but many form lasting friendships working side by side.

A great benefit of H.E.A.R.T.  is getting to know others in our community and surrounding areas. If you have any questions regarding Unity’s  H.E.A.R.T . please call the Unity High School and someone will contact you.